A listing of local clubs, days out and help charities |
Age Concern |
www.aciw.org.uk |
BBC News |
news.bbc.co.uk |
Check-a-trade |
www.checkatrade.com |
Citizens Advice Bureau |
www.citizensadvicewokingham.org.uk |
Community Legal Service Direct |
www.clsdirect.org.uk |
DirectGov – UK Government Portal |
www.direct.gov.uk |
Find a solicitor |
www.solicitors-online.com |
Heathrow Airport |
www.heathrow-airport-guide.co.uk/ |
Help the Aged |
www.helptheaged.org.uk |
Job Centre Plus |
https://www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus |
Met Office |
www.metoffice.gov.uk |
My Journey Wokingham – Cycle Map |
https://www.myjourneywokingham.com/media/2186/wokingham-area-cycle-map-2019.pdf |
National Rail |
www.nationalrail.co.uk |
Novoresume.com |
novoresume.com/gb |
www.ofsted.gov.uk |
Phone Numbers |
www.thephonebook.bt.com |
Post Code Finder |
postcode.postoffice.co.uk |
St John’s Ambulance |
www.sja.org.uk |
The Law Society |
www.thelawsociety.org.uk |
The Pension Service |
www.thepensionservice.gov.uk |
The Police |
www.police.uk/forces.htm |
The Royal National Institute for Deaf People |
www.rnid.org.uk |
Train timetables |
www.trainlines.co.uk |
Wokingham Borough Council |
www.wokingham.gov.uk |
Wokingham Borough Council Local Offer |
http://www.wokingham.gov.uk/local-offer-for-0-25-year-olds-with-additional-needs/ |
